4 Ways to Market Your Business Online With VoIP

One of the easiest ways to get your message out and have it picked up by interested parties is to utilize a plan of marketing strategies using VoIP. VoIP is not only used for voice communication, but can be used in email, Instant Messenger, and other platforms. Here are some ideas that you can try using VoIP as part of your marketing strategy:

o Email Marketing: This is a very popular way of getting your message across to many people. Simply attach the URL of your website or blog to your email and send it out with a mass mail. Make sure you have permission from the person you are sending it too, so you don’t violate any laws. There are also tools on the Internet that will allow you to create email campaigns easily with little effort. You may want to consider setting up an autoresponder account so you don’t have to type in every single letter.

o Instant Message Marketing: Similar to email marketing, you can use instant messaging to communicate with prospects and other business people. With instant messaging, you simply attach the URL of your website to an instant message and send it out to everyone. Be sure to put the URL in capital letters, since most people will not check it if you don’t. Be creative and come up with different ways to present your URL. Use an image to visually capture the message that you are trying to get across and then attach that to your instant message.

o Video Marketing: Creating videos is a great way to get your message across in a way that people can easily relate to. Most people search YouTube and other video sites when they are looking for information. If you have an online presence then you can use video as a way to get your information in front of your audience. If you have a well-produced video that tells a story, then you can easily build trust and credibility. People are much more likely to buy from someone who they can connect with, so if you are selling a product or service and you want to become more effective at driving traffic to your site, then incorporating video into your overall effective marketing strategy using VoIP is an excellent way to go.

o Article Marketing: Writing articles that contain links to your website are one of the best ways to start off your effective marketing strategy using VoIP. You can find numerous sites that offer article submission services, which can help you to submit articles to numerous directories free of charge. These articles will contain a link back to your site, and this can help to drive more traffic to your website. Make sure that you include a few keywords in your article as well, since these will also help to increase your search engine ranking.

These four methods are just a few of the many ways that you can market your business online using VoIP. The more resources you have available to you when you begin to launch an effective marketing strategy using VoIP, the better off you will be. Remember that people who use VoIP tend to be highly targeted, and they have specific interests that can greatly benefit your business. Using VoIP to market your business online is a great way to gain an advantage over other businesses, and it won’t cost you a penny to get started!

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